Urgent action is required, we need to cut Green House Gas Emissions in Half by 2030 and the Construction Industry plays a major role by contributing 38% of global emissions
Disrupt the Industry through Circular Building Material and enable Climate Possitive Building
The world is currently undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in human history.
More than half of the global population is now concentrated in urban areas, and by 2060 two thirds of the expected population of 10 billion will live in cities.
In addition to this new growth, nearly two-thirds of the building area that exist today will still exist in 2050.
Therefore, any transition to low-carbon/carbon neutral built environment must address both new construction and existing buildings.

Embodied Carbon Actions
Just three materials – Concrete, Steel, and Aluminum – are responsible for 23% of total global emissions (most from the built environment). There is incredible opportunity for embodied carbon reduction in these high-impact materials through policy, design, material selection, and specification.
Agricultural Pollution
Field Burning
Many farmers consider agricultural burning the most effective and cost-efficient way to clear land, fertilize soil and prepare it for new plantation. However, these blazes and the wildfires that spread from them are the world’s largest source of black carbon, a threat both to human and environmental health.
Swedish Government Circular
Economy Strategy
Swedish companies
already see the potential in transitioning their businesses to a more resource-efficient, non-toxic, circular and bio-based economy. All of this also provides advantages in the global market, where Swedish companies can export the products and services in demand as the world transitions. This will create more companies and new jobs and
enhance our welfare, while reducing environmental impacts.
Agricultural Pollution
Field Burning
Many farmers consider agricultural burning the most effective and cost-efficient way to clear land, fertilize soil and prepare it for new plantation. However, these blazes and the wildfires that spread from them are the world’s largest source of black carbon, a threat both to human and environmental health.
Reducing Embodied Carbon
in Buildings
Buildings account for at least 39 percent of energy-related global carbon emissions on an annual basis. At least one-quarter of these emissions result from embodied carbon.
This report highlights low-cost and no-cost solutions for reducing embodied carbon in buildings during a project’s design and construction phases. In case studies of three common building types, applying these solutions demonstrates an embodied carbon savings potential of 19 to 46 percent at cost premiums of less than 1 percent.